For the most exquisite palates!
Indulge in the aromas and flavours of this tasting set, bringing you closer to the freshness of the fields.
Inside, you will find Fescue Hay and a range of 13 100% natural products designed for your little Bunny.
For the most exquisite palates!
Indulge in the aromas and flavours of this tasting set, bringing you closer to the freshness of the fields.
Inside, you'll find Fescue Hay and a selection of 13 products suitable for Bunnies of all ages.
A Hay Tunnel and other surprises inside will enrich your bunny's environment while letting them enjoy Ribero's Fescue Hay.
Green Nature Bunny: The most NATURAL composition you can find on the market, a 100% natural mix of different Hays (80%), Medicinal Herbs and Flowers (15%), Vegetables (3%), and Cereals (2%), with no manufacturing processes, no additives, no colourings, or preservatives, as if your little bunny were feeding in their natural habitat, directly from the field to their feeder.
Diuretic Coad, is a blend of medicinal herbs that will help improve your bunny's urinary system, aiding in toxin elimination and helping to prevent those dreaded stones (kidney stones).
Ever wondered what flowers smell like? This mix contains an exquisite flower salad, providing your bunny with a rich source of 100% natural nutrients while filling your home with the most delightful scents nature has to offer.
We all love a snack from time to time... and the healthier, the better, right? Ideal for gnawing, this box includes Dandelion Root and Pearwood Twigs that will entertain your bunny and help with dental wear without adding unnecessary calories.
Who doesn’t love red berry tarts? In this assortment, you'll find a delicious mix of strawberry, raspberry, cherry, and mulberry leaves that you can occasionally offer your bunny, delighting their palate while promoting proper dental wear.
It’s important to give your bunny fresh vegetables daily, but be careful with those high in water content... You know that already! That’s why we offer a salad of dehydrated garden vegetables with low-calorie content. These vegetables will provide your bunny with delicious flavours and all the nutrients found in fresh produce, making them an ideal daily diet supplement.
Did you know hay can cause gas? Sainfoin is an ancient herb, ideal for preventing the gas and bloating your bunny may suffer from. It’s recommended as a daily supplement if needed to alleviate gas and prevent potential stomach issues.
Have you ever tried the red, succulent tomatoes from the gardens of Lérida? Here they are, steamed to retain all their properties for your bunny. Tomato pellets are a super-healthy, low-calcium supplement that can be given daily as a treat or as part of their diet. Once you smell them... you’ll want to try them too!
Have you heard about intestinal parasites in rabbits? ... They are silent enemies, responsible for diarrhea. That’s why this assortment includes steamed calendula pellets, as the calendula flower helps eliminate them and is one of the best preventives. Plus, it’s a delicious product your bunny will enjoy.
Lemon balm is an aromatic plant that helps with nerves during specific moments, like Saint John's Eve, and it’s also an excellent natural muscle tonic. It’s a snack recommended for occasional use due to its high calcium content, and in small amounts, sprinkled as a complementary food. Daily use is only recommended in cases of chronic conditions, with specialized exotic veterinary supervision.
Do you like chocolate? They say a square a day is good for your health, so here’s carob for your bunny, with that sweet chocolatey flavour so you can enjoy that daily pleasure together that everyone should allow themselves.
Ideal porque trae un poquito de todo y el tronco de heno super bien para desgasta dental , les encanta.
Los buffet son una opción increíble para tener en casa. Éste fue el primer buffet que pedí y nos encantó lo completo que viene
Este buffet está genial, viene muy completo, yo fue el primero que pedí y descubrimos muchas cosas que a Aria le encanta
Si Ribero ya me tenía enamorada de sus productos por ser 100% naturales, mantener el frescor y encantarles a mis peques estas cajas son la bomba, traen un montón de cosas a un buen precio, y en concreto esta y la de desgaste dental traen un tronco. <br />
Muy completo
Me parece un producto ideal para regalar a propietarios de conejitos o para probar bastantes productos de la marca si todavía no la conoces. Mis conejos se han vuelto locos con el heno que viene en la base y con la ensalada de flores. Los pellets de tomate huelen un montón (su mamineja odia el tomate), me parece MUY completo!