Keep on biting into life!
Oral care for our pets is crucial for their health, so we should have an annual check-up with the vet, as chewing is essential for their quality of life and proper digestion.
That’s why the nutritionists at Ribero have formulated a selection of products for your little one, all designed to prevent overgrowth and help with dental wear.
Rabbits, guinea pigs, and chinchillas all have open-rooted teeth, meaning they grow continuously throughout their lives, at a rate of 2 to 4 mm per week. The only difference between lagomorphs, such as rabbits, and the others is that rabbits have 6 incisors (2 lower and 4 upper), while guinea pigs and chinchillas have only 4 incisors (2 lower and 2 upper). It is important to remember that visiting your regular veterinarian is necessary, as the incisors are easily observable at home, but specific equipment is required to examine and view the molars.
Overgrowth can be caused by root deviation due to trauma, weakness of the alveolar bone, hypovitaminosis C in guinea pigs…, the loss of one or more incisors, neoplasia or trauma, molar malocclusion, genetics, or by a diet that is not abrasive enough. When we offer our pet foods that do not require much chewing, such as vegetables or pellets, their teeth do not wear down properly and will form spikes that can cause oral injuries. This will lead to pain and will alter the occlusion movement, which will affect the incisors and can also lead to malocclusion.
Therefore, to prevent this type of condition, it is advisable to have regular check-ups with your veterinarian and to proceed with filing if necessary. Additionally, you should offer your pet a high-fibre diet based on various hays, such as fescue and oat hay, without seeds. The treats you give should be suitable for gnawing and should not contain sugars, minerals, or salts.
In this assortment, you will find:
FESCUE HAY TUNNEL AND FESCUE WITH DANDELION ROOT AND BURDOCK ROOT PIECES. Fescue is a broad-leaved grass that helps with dental wear. This hay-filled tunnel also contains other surprises inside, which will promote environmental enrichment for your rabbit while helping with dental wear.
ESPARCETTE is an ancient herb, ideal for preventing gas, flatulence, and potential stomach or digestive problems, and it also helps with dental wear.
RAY GRASS is a large-leaved hay that provides great dental friction, which helps with wear, while also enhancing the palatability and digestibility of your little one.
APPLEWOOD TWIGS, PEARWOOD TWIGS, DANDELION ROOT, and BURDOCK ROOT that, in addition to entertaining your rabbit, will help with dental wear without adding unnecessary calories.
A mix of MOUNTAIN LEAVES WITH THEIR TWIGS. An irresistible mix of mountain leaves from our region: olive, ash, basil, birch, rosemary..., which will help with proper dental wear.
With proper care, you can ensure your little one has a longer and happier life!
Un buffet muy completo y con muchas cositas que ayudan al desgaste dental.... El tronco que viene dentro es un juguete perfecto para rellenarlo de heno
Trae un monton de bolsitas que ayudan al desgaste dental y un tronco, es genial
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Viene super completo, el tronco es ideal y se puede volver a rellenar de heno, la raiz de diente de leon les encanta y es ideal para el desgaste.