Don't lose your vitality and energy!
Different diseases can affect your little friend and cause mobility problems in one or more extremities.
That is why the Ribero nutritionists have formulated an assortment of products for your little one, all of them designed to prevent or help alleviate muscle aches and those of the circulation itself.
In this assortment you will find:
- FESTUQUE HAY and HOP FLOWER. The Festuca contains a high fiber and low protein content that favors intestinal function, while providing the necessary nutrients for your day to day; and the hop flower has an essential oil and oxygenated compounds that give it relaxing properties, with sedative effects and, consequently, pain relief.
- The SPECIAL CIRCULATION COAD. It contains a mixture of hay and medicinal herbs that improves the circulatory system, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases.
- LEMON BALM and PASSIONFLOWER. Both are antispasmodics that act as a muscle tonic and help treat stress, anxiety and nervousness.
- A mixture of flowers that contains ARNICA, HOP AND JASMINE. The Arnica flower is anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial. The Hops flower have an essential oil and oxygenated compounds that contain relaxing properties, with sedative effects and, consequently, pain relief. And the Jasmine flower activates circulation and the immune system.
- A mixture of leaves containing CHERRY LEAVES and GINCKO BILOBA LEAVES. The Cherry leaves are anti-inflammatory and strengthen the immune system and the Gincko Biloba leaves are calming, help improve circulation and have multiple properties and benefits for the body.
- - ELDER AND HATWORN LEAVES, FLOWERS AND BERRIES . . The Elderberry is one of the most widely used medicinal plants in the world. Fights colds and flu, strengthens the heart, stimulates the defenses and favors the purification of the organism. The Elderberries contain calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamins C, B1, B2, B3 and B7, as well as the trace elements manganese and zinc. The hawthorn improves the functions of the cardiovascular system, acts as an antioxidant and is good for hypertension. It has calming and antispasmodic properties that help fight nerves. It is also used to combat digestive problems. since the starch it contains acts as an astringent.
- A mix of vegetables containing CUCUMBER, BEET AND ZUCCHINI. All these vegetables are rich in vitamins, protein and low in fat, which will help to tone your muscles.
- SPINACH PELLETS and CALENDULA PELLETS steamed. The spinach pellet strengthens bones and teeth, has beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant, and generates Vitamin A, essential for vision and eye health. The calendula pellet contains anti-inflammatory properties and helps fight intestinal parasites.
Éste buffet vendrá en nuestro próximo pedido, tenemos muchas ganas de probarlo porque creo que todo lo que trae les va a encantar
Buffet para tener a nuestros conejitos protegidos al 100%
También lo hemos probado y le encanta todo lo que viene.