Mediterranean Salad

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Ribero's Mediterranean Salad is a delicious and healthy mix of dehydrated fruits and vegetables typical of the Mediterranean diet. Ideal as a treat or weekly supplement, it enriches the diet of rabbits, rodents, birds, and reptiles. Rich in fibre, essential vitamins, and minerals, this blend improves digestive health, strengthens the immune system, and provides calming properties. A natural snack your pet will love.

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Ribero's Mediterranean Salad is a carefully selected blend of dehydrated fruits and vegetables typical of the Mediterranean diet, designed to enrich your pet's diet. This natural and healthy snack provides an explosion of flavour in every bite. It offers numerous nutritional benefits that improve the health and overall well-being of rabbits, rodents, birds, and reptiles.

Properties and Benefits

This Mediterranean fruit blend is ideal as a treat or weekly supplement for your pet's diet. The dehydrated fruits in the mix are rich in fibre, essential vitamins, and minerals, offering antioxidant, digestive, and calming properties that strengthen the immune system and contribute to the proper functioning of the body.

  • Fiber: Improves digestive health, promoting healthy intestinal transit.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Provide essential nutrients such as vitamins C, A, B, E, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, which are crucial for overall well-being.

Each fruit in the mix offers specific benefits:

  • Apple: Rich in pectin, a soluble fibre that is not absorbed in the intestine, helping to renew intestinal flora and prevent fermentations. It is also an excellent source of vitamin C and in smaller amounts, vitamin E, potassium, and phosphorus. Additionally, it acts as a natural toothpaste.
  • Pear: Rich in pectin, vitamins B and C, potassium, iron, calcium, and iodine. It regulates intestinal function and promotes the proper functioning of the kidneys.
  • Pineapple: A source of vitamins and minerals, especially useful for strengthening the immune system.
  • Banana: Rich in carbohydrates, and low in fats and proteins. Notable for its high content of potassium and magnesium, and is also a natural source of fibre, vitamins B6 and C.
  • Mango: A fruit with great antioxidant power, thanks to its content of vitamins A, C, and E. It also provides magnesium and potassium and contains purifying acids.

Instructions for Use

To ensure your pet enjoys the benefits of this snack, we recommend offering the Mediterranean Salad in small quantities 2 or 3 times a week. This product should not be used as a substitute for basic food. Place the mix in their usual feeder and make sure your pet always has fresh, clean water available. Store in a cool, dry place to maintain its freshness and quality.

This product is suitable for rabbits and rodents, in small quantities due to its high sugar content.

Ribero's Mediterranean Salad is a perfect option to provide your pet with a healthy and nutritious snack that enriches their diet and improves their health. With its combination of nutrient-rich fruits and beneficial properties, this product is a delicious reward that your pet will love.

Nutritional Value

  • Protein (min.): <2.00%
  • Fibre (min.): 6.67%
  • Fat: 9.49%
  • Calcium: 0.02%
  • Starch: 4.53%

Specific References

Tamara Dopico Pérez

Ensalada mediterránea

Su ensalada de frutas preferidas, da ganas de comerla, muy abundante, ellos encantados, nunca puede faltar en casa

Begoña Polanco Arconada


Ésta mezcla de frutas es ideal si quieres dar un capricho a tu peque

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