Ribero's wild strawberry leaves are 100% natural and pesticide-free, rich in healing properties such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, digestive, and antimicrobial. Ideal for treating gastric problems and strengthening the immune system, these leaves provide a natural and enriching feeding experience without chemical residues.
Ribero's wild strawberry leaves are 100% natural and pesticide-free, designed to provide a nutritious and healthy supplement to your rabbits' and rodents' diet. These leaves add variety and flavour to their food and offer multiple health benefits for your small pets.
Properties and Benefits:
Wild strawberry leaves have numerous healing properties that make them an excellent supplement to your pet's diet:
These properties make wild strawberry leaves ideal for treating gastric problems strengthening the immune system, preventing colds, and improving your pet's overall health. Additionally, the crunchiness of these leaves provides a sense of well-being that your pet will enjoy.
Nutritional Value:
Instructions for Use:
Administer wild strawberry leaves daily as a primary complementary food. Place the leaves in your pet's usual feeder, where they will remain clean and fresh.
To preserve the natural properties of wild strawberry leaves, keep them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Ensure the package is tightly sealed after each use to maintain the product's freshness.
Quality Commitment:
At Ribero, we carefully select all the products that make up our leaves, ensuring traceability and the highest quality in every bag. With Ribero, you can be confident that you are providing your pet with natural, safe, and beneficial food.
Additional Benefits:
Provide your pets with a healthy and delicious supplement with Ribero's wild strawberry leaves, improving their quality of life and contributing to their overall well-being.
Son perfectas, poco calcio mucha fibra, sin olvidar la multitud de beneficios que les aportan
Una vez a la semana va entre sus ensaladas. Su sabor tiene que estar rico porque no dejan ni una
Todos los días um par de hojitas de fresa y un aporte muy bueno para ellos