Complementary food composed of selected high-quality fescue hay (Festuca Arundinacea) and apple. Hay dried in the sun, not dehydrated, which avoids the destruction of protein while preserving all the natural smell and taste of hay.
• It is the essential complement to your pet's diet.
• Apple hay helps wear teeth naturally.
• Its high content of insoluble fiber promotes intestinal function, contributes to better digestion, acts as an antioxidant and is an immune system enhancer.
• The apple is rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that is not absorbed in the intestine. It is rich in vitamin C, and in less quantity it also provides some vitamin E, potassium and phosphorus. In addition, they renew the intestinal flora, prevent fermentation and act as a natural toothpaste.
Ribero produces, collects, stores and presents rose hay with the proper care to obtain a high quality product, thus preserving all its properties, texture and flavor to the maximum. It is the essential food, due to its high fiber content, for rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, chinchillas, hamsters, squirrels. It should be offered freely available on a daily basis. It is the essential supplement to your pet's diet.
NUTRITIVE VALUE: Protein b. minimum 12%, Fiber b. minimum 28%.
SIn duda alguna, tengo que decirlo, es el favoritisimo de Luffy. La manzana es algo que puede con él y encima en el heno escondidita...<br /> Aisssss menudo invento este de Ribero.
Este si que no puede faltar, la manzana junto con la fresa es de las frutas favoritas de mi enana, recomendado 100%.
Sin duda el heno favorito de Zarpas
Este heno es el preferido de mi coneja Aria se lo come de maravilla ????
Mientras que comen su heno preferido se encuentran con las chips de manzanas que tan ricas están.
Una forma divertida de comer fruta y heno la la vez, le encanta!!!