During the dehydration process there is a minimal loss of nutrients. In the dehydration of the carrot, good quality products are used that are in optimal conditions of maturity and hygiene, a fact that allows us to find fruits out of season in a perfect state and very appetizing for our pet.
Ribero Productor Agrícola selects all the products that make up this mixture, having traceability of the products at all times and ensuring the best quality in each bag.
Snack composed of Carrot: Rich in carotene, it acts as an antioxidant, it is an enhancer of the immune system.
Protein: 9.50%
Fiber: 8.47%
Fat: 0.70%
How to use:
Administer a couple of times a week as a complementary food. You must place it in its usual feeder, where it is kept clean and fresh. Do not forget to always leave fresh and clean water at your pet's disposal. Close the container after each use. Store in a cool, dry place. Once opened consume in 16 weeks.
Specific References
Pellet diente de león
Me encantan las propiedades de estos pellets y a ellos les encanta comerlos
Diente de león
Los compramos para probar en un principio y ahora se ha vuelto indispensable en casa. Los ofrecemos como snack, en las ensaladas frescas o secas que les hacemos o como premio dentro de pelotas y sets de agility. Sin duda una de las mejores compras que hemos hecho.<br /> Además desde que los comen, combinado con otros productos tienen un pelaje mas fuerte, brillante y sano.<br /> <br /> Att. Rikku y Wakka
Pellet diente de León
A ellas las encanta el sabor y a mí las propiedades que tiene