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An improper diet high in calcium is the main factor that leads to the formation of urinary stones in rabbits and rodents. Our little ones absorb almost all the calcium they ingest and only excrete the excess through their kidneys. Therefore, excess calcium in the urine increases its pH, leading to crystallization.

The nutritionists at Ribero recommend consuming fresh vegetables low in calcium: arugula, escarole, lamb's lettuce, endive, carrot tops, cucumber, tomato, peppers, cauliflower leaves, and more. They have formulated a selection of diuretic and purifying products for your little one to help prevent these stones and eliminate sediment from the urine.


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The factors that predispose to the accumulation of mineral sediments in urine are diets high in calcium (abundant pellets, alfalfa, mineral blocks…), dehydration or low water consumption, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, the most common symptoms are lethargy, loss of appetite and weight, difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, or dense and whitish urine. When any of these symptoms appear, the main recommendation is to immediately consult your exotic pet veterinarian, as they can help with the necessary treatment based on the severity of the urinary obstruction. It’s important to note that if the obstruction is severe, surgical intervention or medication may be required to eliminate it.

To prevent urolithiasis, cystitis, and hypercalciuria, it is necessary to follow a LOW-CALCIUM DIET, AVOIDING pellets with a calcium content greater than 0.45%, alfalfa hay, and the so-called mountain hays or hays from different regions: red clover, dandelion, all types of seeds, and fresh vegetables such as Swiss chard, celery, mint, spinach, kale, curly cauliflower, parsley, watercress, basil, beet leaves, and carrot tops.

The nutritionists at Ribero recommend the consumption of fresh vegetables low in calcium: arugula, escarole, lamb’s lettuce, endive, carrot tops, cucumber, tomato, peppers, cauliflower leaves, etc., and have formulated a selection of diuretic and purifying products for your little one to help prevent these stones and eliminate sediment in the urine.

In this assortment, you will find:

  • FESCUE HAY with BLUE CORNFLOWER and RED CORNFLOWER. Fescue provides a high fibre content and low protein, and blue and red cornflower flowers, thanks to their diuretic properties, promote increased urination.
  • DIURETIC COAD, which contains a mix of hays and medicinal herbs that help eliminate toxins from the body, remove mineral salts and filter the blood, which will help your little one prevent kidney stones.
  • HORSETAIL is a type of shrub ideal for treating urinary issues, as well as kidney stones.
  • GREEN NETTLE, is a plant that prevents imbalances, in addition to being a natural body cleanser.
  • Various leaves:  BIRCH LEAVES, a natural urinary antiseptic ideal for preventing colic. APRICOT LEAVES, which, thanks to their diuretic effect, will help your little one eliminate excess sodium from their body. OLIVE LEAVES, as they are a powerful natural diuretic and an intestinal antifungal that lowers blood pressure.
  • A mix of vegetables containing CUCUMBER, JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE and BEETROOT. Cucumber, rich in fibre, is a very diuretic and purifying vegetable. Jerusalem artichoke eliminates fats and substances from the body. Beetroot significantly improves intestinal transit and flora.
  • As a treat, you can offer APPLEWOOD STICKS. They can be given daily, as they contain virtually no calcium and will provide vitamins.
  • ARTICHOKE PELLETS and ROSE PELLETS steamed. The artichoke pellet is notable for its purifying action and is an excellent vegetable for the liver. The rose pellet has laxative, digestive, and anti-inflammatory properties.

With proper care, you can ensure your little one has a longer and HAPPIER life!


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Como pone en otro comentario, ideal si te pasas un poco con algun alimento alto en calcio, super variado como todos y super recomendable, ya que además viene con muchísima cantidad de heno en su interior. Poco sitios te ofrecen a tan buen precio tanta cantidad de heno y variedad de producto en una sola caja. De obligada compra casi jajajajja.

Begoña Polanco Arconada


Éste buffet es imprescindible en casa, súper completo y buenísimo si te pasas un poco con el calcio

Tamara Dopico Pérez

Buffet diurético

Un buffet que compro habitualmente por si me va la mano con el calcio

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