He continues to be in good health!
Time passes for everyone, even your little one. Therefore, Ribero's nutritionists offer you a series of products specially indicated for these ages in this assortment. As usual, they should continue with their diet rich in fibre, but now you must remember that they do not tolerate foods rich in sugar, such as fruit. Therefore, if these foods could be eaten from time to time when young, their consumption is completely discouraged at this age. Likewise, this diet should take care of your dental and digestive health and prevent overweight.
In this assortment you will find:
FESTUCA HAY et OAT HAY, since their diet should be based on a low-protein grass, such as these two.
The COAD RELAXING, which contains a mixture of hay and medicinal herbs that generate a feeling of well-being and relaxation.
TheESPARCETA,, which is an herb of yesteryear ideal to avoid gas and flatulence and prevent possible stomach or digestive problems.
TheRAY GRASS, since its leaves offer a wide palatability and digestibility, ideal for advanced ages or with little physical activity.
Different leaves: LEAVES, FLOWERS AND BERRIES ELDER, which strengthen the heart, stimulate the defences and promote purification of the body. RED CLOVER LEAVES AND FLOWERS, as it is rich in minerals and vitamins and prevents the mobilization of calcium in the bones. STRAWBERRY LEAVES, which improve the immune system and help prevent gastric problems. GINKGO BILOBA LEAVES, highly indicated for advanced ages due to its multiple benefits, since they help correct blood circulation and provide a feeling of well-being. BLACK CURRANT LEAVES, which eliminate uric acid and are a powerful anti-inflammatory.
A mix of vegetables containing CARROT, CUCUMBER AND TOMATO.Carrots are an immune system enhancer, antioxidant, and being rich in carotene, it provides them with vitamin A, an essential nutrient for cell protection. Cucumber, a rich source of fiber, is a very diuretic and cleansing vegetable. Tomato improves intestinal transit and has a high content of vitamins and minerals.
As a treat, we can replace all those that contain some sugars with TOMATO AND MANZANILLA PELLETSmade with steam, low in calcium and protein, so they are much easier to digest.
Noa tocó en el rosco de navidad y les encanto todo lo que venia dentro, probamos el ray grass por primera vez porque venia en este buffet y les encantó, además de un olor increible.
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Buffet senior
Aunque en casa ninguna de mis conejitas es senior, me encanta todo lo que trae este buffet.... Viene súper completo